LC 310高效液相色谱仪的推出是天瑞公司十几年液相色谱研发经验的结晶,意味着天瑞公司在液相色谱仪的研发方面攀上了又一新高度。标志着天瑞公司在液相色谱研究上取得了在高性能、高可靠性以及使用的方便性之间达到最佳平衡,为专业用户提供具有更高性能的液相色谱。
LC 310高效液相色谱仪提高了HPLC的分离度、灵敏度、速度、精度和可靠性;先进的并联泵头及单向阀设计理念,融合了当今世界上最先进的制造应用经验,使得用户在各种使用条件下都可以保证输液的精度、脉动等性能指标,具备最小系统死体积,工作能力可获得100%的提高。
多重配置 自由选择
在设计LC 310高效液相色谱仪的时候,充分考虑了液相应用的市场需求,根据不同客户的实际情况,在硬件配置上也作出相应的优化组成,给客户提供更多的选择余地。
LC 310高效液相色谱仪主要包括两种配置,分别为:等度液相色谱仪、二元高压梯度液相色谱仪。
分析市场,体贴用户。走近LC 310液相色谱仪,您将惊喜的发现LC 310液相色谱仪带给您的一切体贴与便利,正如您梦寐以求的一般,一流实验分析结果或许比您所期望的来的更为容易。并且,由于您工作太忙,根本无法顾及实验室不可能用到的复杂功能,因此您会很高兴地发现,对于您的实验室而言,LC 310系统没有多余的、您不需要的功能。
产品优越性能的充分发挥离不开系统硬件配置上的可靠性。LC 310新型耐用的液相色谱在系统组件的设计和制造中,天瑞首先考虑的是硬件配置的可靠性,各部件寿命以及组装时的质量,对每一个模块,新的预测功能在问题发生前就能及时识别并告知用户,使得HPLC更可靠并及时消除问题。
LC-310 高压输液泵
以当今最先进的技术为先导,国内首创的数字化数据处理和控制,使基线噪声和漂移降低到一个新的极限。检测器直接输出数字信号至LC 310工作站,避免了一般紫外检测器的色谱信号需多重模数转换带来的信号畸变与干扰。优秀的流通池设计,突破性地提高了仪器的各项性能指标、光路系统采用了精密定位结构,精度高,偏差小,氘灯和光路系统采用热隔离技术,缩短了稳定时间,并使氘灯发热对光路系统的影响降到最低。前置放大器采用高阻抗、低漂移的仪器放大器,高分辨率的A/D转换器。在常规分析情况下,动态范围可达1 04,保证了对数运算的精度。由于采用了数字量输出功能,该检测器可以通过RS232串行口与计算机直接相连而不需要任何数据采集单元。高品质的精加工和专利技术,流通池—紫外检测器的心脏,流通池采用锥孔设计,其信噪比相对于传统的直孔设计,提升了23.8%,从而大大提高了检测器的灵敏度。
流量稳定性误差:Sr≤±0.3% RSD<±0.06%
压力脉动:≤0.1 MPa(流量1mL/min,压力5~10Mpa)
外形尺寸:450mm×300mm×160mm (长×宽×高)
最小检测量:1×10-8g/ mL(萘的甲醇溶液)
外形尺寸:450mm×300mm×160mm (长×宽×高)
LC-P310高压恒流泵 :1台
LC-UV 310紫外检测器 :1台
LC-CO310色谱柱温箱 :1台
7725i手动进样阀: 1套
LC-WS310色谱管理工作站 :1台
液相色谱柱 :1支
LC-P310高压恒流泵 :2台
LC-UV 310紫外检测器: 1台
LC-CO310色谱柱温箱: 1台
7725i手动进样阀: 1套
LC-WS310色谱管理工作站: 1台
液相色谱柱 :1支
序号 | 主要修订 | 修订内容解析 |
1 | 扩大规章的适用范围并修改规章名称 | 将调整对象由电子信息产品扩大为电器电子产品,并将规章名称修改为《电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理办法》。同时,《办法》对电器电子产品的含义做出了规定。 |
2 | 扩大限制使用的有害物质范围 | 借鉴欧盟RoHS指令和其他国家的通行做法,增加了限制使用的有害物质,将“铅”、“汞”、“镉”分别修改为“铅及其化合物”、“汞及其化合物”、“镉及其化合物”,将“六价铬”修改为“六价铬化合物”。 |
3 | 增加有关科技、财政政策支持的规定 | 新版RoHS规定:国家鼓励、支持电器电子产品有害物质限制使用的科学研究、技术开发和国际合作,积极推广电器电子产品有害物质替代与减量化等技术、装备。 |
4 | 完善产品有害物质限制使用的管理方式 | 电器电子产品有害物质限制使用采取目录管理的方式,由工信部商发展改革委等7部门编制“达标管理目录”,不再编制“重点管理目录”。同时,建立合格评定制度,对纳入“达标管理目录”的电器电子产品按照合格评定制度进行管理。合格评定制度由认监委依据工业和信息化部的建议并会同工业和信息化部制定。工业和信息化部根据实际情况会同财政部等部门对合格评定结果建立相关采信机制。 |
新版RoHS 2.0的适用范围扩大为电器电子产品,几乎涵盖了所有家电产品,并且对进出口产品与国产一视同仁,具体涉及限制物质清单如下:
序号 | 物质名称 | 限量要求 |
1 | 铅及其化合物 | <0.1% |
2 | 汞及其化合物 | <0.1% |
3 | 镉及其化合物 | <0.01% |
4 | 六价铬化合物 | <0.1% |
5 | 多溴联苯(PBB) | <0.1% |
6 | 多溴二苯醚(PBDE) | <0.1% |
7 | 国家规定的其他有害物质 |
针对以上限制物质清单的检测,《GB/T 26125-2011 电子电气产品 六种限制物质的测定》[2]指定了上述有害物质的检测手段和方法,天瑞仪器的气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS 6800)可用于新版RoHS2.0中多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的定量分析。
GC-MS 6800仪器简介
GC-MS 6800用于有机物的检测,是挥发性和半挥发性定性定量分析测试的常见方法,广泛应用于各种有机毒害物的残留分析项目,具有检出限低,定性能力强,定量结果准确等特点,可有效地应用于中国RoHS 2.0中多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的定性和定量分析。

参照IEC62321[3] 、GB/Z 21276-2007[4] 等方法,精确称取一定量的样品颗粒,经溶剂提取→浓缩→净化→定容→过滤,即可上机测试。


[1]. 《电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理办法》
[2]. 《GB/T 26125-2011 电子电气产品 六种限制物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测定》
[3]. 《IEC 62321 Electrotechnical products – Determination of levels of six regulated substances(lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls,polybrominated diphenyl ethers)》
[4]. 《GB/Z 21276-2007 电子电器产品中限用物质多溴联苯(PBBs)、多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)检测方法》
Why select Skyray Instruments?

First, the industry leader:
Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011(Code:300165),
Analytical instrument industry leader in the field
Skyray Instrument, as a leader in the domestic chemical analysis industry, specializes in the production of high-end analytical instruments such as spectrometers, chromatographs, and mass spectrometers. Mainly used in environmental protection and safety (electronics, electricity, toys and other consumer products industries, food safety, air, soil, water quality pollution detection, etc.), industrial production quality control (metallurgy, building materials, petroleum, chemical, precious metals, medical equipment, etc. ), minerals and resources (geology, mining), commodity inspections, quality inspections, and even human trace element testing and many other areas.The core patent technology is the first in the industry; the sales volume is the first in the industry; the product category is the first in the industry;

Second, the standard makers:
Skyray Instrument participated in drafting and formulating 18 national standards,
Industry standards, confident in the right to speak in the industry.
GBT 28020-2011 Ornaments Determination of harmful elements X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
GBT 31364-2015 Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer main performance test method
GBT 33352-2016 General requirements for screening of restricted substances in electrical and electronic products X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
GB/T 25934.1-2010 High-Purity Gold Chemical Analysis Method Ethyl Acetate Extraction Separation ICP-AES Spectrometry Determination of Impurity Elements
GB/T 27730-2011 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in toy products Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry GC-MS method
GB/T 28020-2011 articles - Determination of harmful elements - X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GBT 22788-2008 Determination of Total Lead in Coatings on Toys
GB/T 30419-2013 Determination of migrating elements in gallium arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury selenium in toy materials Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 31364-2015 Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer main performance test method
JBT 12962.1-2016 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Part 1: General Techniques
JBT 12962.2-2016 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Part 2: Elemental Analyzers
JBT 12962.3-2016 Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Part 3: Coating thickness analyzer
LS_T 6115-2016.4672 LST6115-2016 "Fastness determination of cadmium in rice by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry" standard

Third, technology pioneers:
252 utility patents to fill domestic gaps and break the import monopoly
As of the end of 2017, Tianrui Instrument Company and its subsidiaries have obtained 252 patents authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office.
"Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate" 91 items;
Of which 115 are invention patents,
80 utility model patents,
Appearance patent 57 items.

Fourth, service practitioners:
Do not forget the initial heart, with the customer with the fate, a total of growth.
Skyray customers include the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and the National Museum of China,
China National Center for Geoanalysis and Experiments, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Changchun Institute of Opto-Mechanical Engineering, China Taier Laboratory,
Other government departments and well-known testing agencies,
And PetroChina, Sinopec, Huawei, Haier, Skyworth, Fanta, Meiling, Lite-On, TCL, LG, Midea, Samsung, China Test (CTI), Avionics, etc.

Analytical Testing Instrument Research Institute
Skyray Analytical Testing Instrument Research Institute has three centers, namely "analysis instrument research and development center", "physiochemical analysis and testing center" and "analysis and testing technology application development center."Tianrui Analytical Instruments Co., Ltd. recently formed a staff of 1 academician, 11 Ph.D., 13 senior engineers, 17 masters, and 50 undergraduate R&D personnel from famous universities.

Dr. Liu Zhaogui, specialist in special allowance of the State Council
Mr. Liu Zhaogui: graduate student in nuclear physics from Tsinghua University. It has been appraised as the outstanding entrepreneur of Jiangsu Province, the young and middle-aged experts who have outstanding contribution in Jiangsu Province, the first science and Technology Minister of Kunshan, and the national science and technology ministry "scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurial talent". With the approval of the State Council, the special allowance of the State Council is enjoyed.

Dr. Yaodong Dong, Expert in X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Dr. Yao graduated from the Department of Engineering Physics of Tsinghua University with a Ph.D. in nuclear electronics. He has been engaged in the development of analytical instruments for 26 years. He is mainly engaged in the research of X-ray fluorescence analysis technology and application technology, and he participated in the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" national key instrument technology research and development. Patent of "Spectrometer Grating 2D" patent, "X-ray fluorescence double crystal fixed element track spectrometer" patent and "X-ray fluorescence spectrum analyzer pyrolytic graphite crystal beam splitter" patent, and participated in the drafting of a number of national standards industry The standard is an authoritative expert in the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer industry in China.
Eight technical advantages:

First, FP basic parameter method
The FP (Basic Parameters) algorithm is an effective method for X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analysis. It can perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elemental components of the sample with little or no standard sample, and can also analyze the thickness of the coating or coating.It is well known that the biggest problem with X-ray fluorescence analysis is that elemental fluorescence intensity is affected by coexisting elements (matrix absorption and enhancement effects) and is not usually linear with content. The basic parameter method has already taken into account the matrix effect in the calculation of the spectrum, and the linear relationship between the calculated content and the known content can be obtained. Using a few known sample calibration algorithms to eliminate systematic errors can achieve accurate quantitative results.

Second, polarization secondary target excitation technology
The polarization secondary target excitation technology can remove the scattering background to the maximum extent, improve the signal to noise ratio, and reduce the detection limit of the detector. Assuming that the x-ray generated by the anode of the x-ray tube is non-polarized and is incident on the target (scattering body) in the z-axis direction, the scattered beam propagating along the y-axis is linearly polarized light. The electric field vector vibrates in the v plane and the vibration direction is parallel to the X axis. The sample placed on the y-axis is excited by polarized light, producing unpolarized fluorescent x-rays. Since the sample and the sample support do not generate scattered radiation in the X-axis direction, placing the detector on the x-axis can fully utilize the polarization effect and reduce the background caused by the elastic and inelastic scattering of x-rays.

Third, ultra-short optical design
From the X-ray generator to the sample, the X-ray fluorescence emitted by the sample to the detector is called the light path. The shorter the distance traveled by the optical path is, the less interference will be caused. Skyray Instrument designed an ultra-short optical path technology to ensure the accuracy of light element detection results, and is particularly suitable for RoHS-compliant halogen-free instruction detection.

Fourth, precision machinery design
The micro-level positioning, micro-scanning analysis, the point-to-point centering of the spatial micro-sized spot and the determination of the spatial micro-focus spot position have been truly achieved. A translation and rotation switching position device realizes position rotation switching in a small space, avoids the large space required for the linear motion and the common rotation movement, because the problem of lengthening of the optical path caused by the inability to fit is eliminated.

Five, no standard technology
XRF test and analysis instruments are generally used for the comparison test of standard samples, which are subject to the quality of the standard samples during the test. Tianrui Instrument's original non-standard technology can carry out all-element analysis without standard samples, leading the development trend and trend of the industry.

Sixth, secondary target excitation technology
XRF test and analysis instruments are generally used for the comparison test of standard samples, which are subject to the quality of the standard samples during the test. Tianrui Instrument's original non-standard technology can carry out all-element analysis without standard samples, leading the development trend and trend of the industry.

VII. Signal to Noise Enhancement Technology
Skyray's unique SNR enhancement technology can effectively remove noise signal interference and minimize element detection limits.
As shown in Figure SUPER XRF 1050, the determination of Pb in food can be as low as 0.59 ppm.

VIII. XRF Core Technology (Intelligent Analysis Software)
patented intelligent analysis software enables precise analysis of 80 elements, non-standard quantitative analysis, micro-analysis, thin film analysis, and advanced sub-spectral analysis.
Certificate of honor
The national Torch Program focuses on the high and new technology enterprises, the certification of heavy contract and credit enterprise, the confirmation certificate of measurement guarantee and the national high technology research and development plan (863 plan).:
ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certificate, OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety management health system, information security management system certification:
Practical patent certificate:
Standard formulation:
Software copyright certificate:
Other certificates: